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Strawberry Moon and more sunlight hours

Updated: Jun 24

Why do we bother to look to the sky?

This year, June 21 marks the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Early Saturday morning June 22 (9:07am AWST), the moon will be 100% full. This full moon coinciding with the Solstice is called by some the Strawberry Moon (northern hemisphere coinciding with the wild strawberries fruit). To hark back to my Celtic blood, it would be referenced as the Mead Moon or Horse Moon. The moon which is full during the longest night of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, and heralding Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

But why even bother to observe the movements of the planets in our sky? Does it really make a difference to our daily lives in this modern world? Sure it used to make sense when used as a tool to signal when to grow and harvest food, to know when to hunt and to mark time passed. As every part of the natural world, every plant, insect and animal moves through cycles with the moon, with the tides, our position relative to the sun, doesn't it make sense that we as humans who are part of the natural world too, are also affected by the movements of the planets? I have always loved the saying, 'the proof is in the pudding'.

So this proof seeking is up to you. It is up to you to slow down, to allow your mind time to reflect, to inquire within, to observe what might rise to the surface if you will just let your mind come to rest. No phone, no scrolling, no screen, no squeezing talking or messaging into every moment, no distractions, instead a mindful practice of self exploration. Can you sit, listen to your breath and observe what arises? Whatever reason you want to find, now is a great time to reflect and dive inward.

For me, on this day when the axis of the earth reaches its' maximum tilt away from the sun, I will make the time to reflect on the ebb and flow of the world and my small part within it all. Reminded I am but a speck of stardust, sharing this life with a billion other specks, and reflecting on the beauty of those who have cycled through my life and this planet; thankful for their individual brushstroke that makes up the painting of my life so far. And it is here I would like to acknowledge Greg Quicke and give gratitude for his contribution. For his ability to share his greatest passions openly with the world, for his encouragement to all of us to pause and look up at the sky, to wonder and question, to be reminded of how small we truly are and to marvel at the vast beauty of our natural world. I extend my love and strength to Susie and family, and to all who are so deeply affected by Greg leaving this world at this time. Susie is an integral part of our family at Leela, and is a pillar of strength using her practice of yoga and meditation to move through this time with as much grace and love as the universe itself. Susie, we love you.

Now for me, it's time for self reflection and my annual winter solstice (fire) ritual, of burning to let go, and to shed what no longer deserves space in my life (perhaps it never has). Allowing room for new growth to flourish in the days ahead.

If you would like to take a moment to reflect and create your own ritual for the solstice, here are some ideas I use to get the process flowing. Do this on your own or do it with a group of loved ones.


Fire and light are key elements during the winter solstice. So grab those tea lights, or candle or light a backyard fire to warm your way through.

Put away. the phone and grab a pen and paper, start by writing 3 things on this day your are grateful for. Just to get the juices flowing, this is actually a great morning practice every day. Next start diving deeper writing gratitude for 3 beings who you have loved and had to say goodbye to in this lifetime (humans, pets, those you miss on other parts of the world or country). Now moving into observing 3 things you feel deep down it is time to let go of. These may be old routines, behaviors, habits, foods, things we consume, thought patterns, people or material items, or the big one to dive into, old belief systems! Write these down on a piece of paper and burn these during nightfall, with the intention to let go and make room for the new. Take it one step further and write down 3 things you want to bring in and keep these somewhere you can reference often over the next couple of weeks as we complete the lunar cycle.

Allow all and any emotions to come up. Notice them without judgement and self criticism, no need to analyse their 'why'. Just feel and allow yourself to let go. Think of it as a mental and emotional detox!

The very practice of ritual is a practice of reflection, which is the practice of mindfulness, which is most certainly in this world, what we all need more of!

I'd love to hear what ritual you love to do for the solstice, equinox, moons whatever time you mark. Drop a comment if you'd like to share.

If you want to dive deep into the current astrological climate, my favourite astrologer who offers lots of inquiry practices, is REWILDING FOR WOMEN. This won't be everyone's jam, this is deep diving astrology for those who are open to exploring. You will find Sabrina and the team from Redwilding on socials, the web and Youtube.

This Sunday's Aerial Restorative Class 5:30pm will be a complete practice of letting go of what no longer serves us. A low hammock practice focused on hip and chest opening movement.

Big love and see you on the flip side as our daylight increases.

Kath x

A tribute to Greg's life and friendship will be held on the new moon, Saturday 6th July. Everyone in the community is welcome to join and show their respect. A paddle out will occur at 8am off Gantheaume Point Beach. All means of paddling craft are encouraged, not just surf boards. If flowers are used in the paddle out, please make sure they are ocean friendly.

The celebration of Quicky will continue at Gantheaume (where the dark emu steps off) from 3pm, with a community gathering of souls coming together, enjoying our beautiful natural world from daylight to star gazing, just as Greg would love to do. The immense out pouring of love for such a beautiful soul will be a special energy to be a part of. Please feel free to join as community.

58 views2 comments


Beautiful words for a beautiful Soul from a beautiful Soul. Thank you, Kath. much love, Ngaire 🙏🏼💖


That's really lovely Kath, I appreciate everything - the rituals for solstice, the celebration for Quickie. Much love & gratitude,


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